Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Easter Fundraiser for CCANW

Over the weekend I was up in the Forest again, and at last there were some flowers - the red rhododendron-like tree on the path up toward the Belvedere - striking and extravagant in both height and colour. But still the land seemed sere and dun. To the perceptive eye, buds were visible on the trees, new green beginning here and there on the grass, but to me it still looked wintry and bare - as if real colour had yet to appear and flood the landscape with warmth, intensity and sudden variety.
The view from the ridge was so clear that it looked opaque at the edges, because some of the hills were so far off, and a layer of cloudy mist hung between the estuary and the hills beyond, looking like smoke squiggled onto the sky by a painter drawing a cartoon.

But I was also there to check some things with CCANW the gallery and the Ranger's Office, for a fundraiser which I and my co-performer are hosting in aid of CCANW next week, so it wasn't all losing oneself in the landscape. The performance is on Easter Monday - traditional marker of the change to Spring.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Message from the Trees

In the Haldons, through the light, now pale gold against a watercolour blue sky as Spring gets nearer, these words came to me - 'Don't bother searching for meaning - there are only two purposes in the world - one is to have fun, and the other is to be useful. They are all that matters.' By which was meant that to have fun is being happy, and to be useful is to help others achieve being happy and having fun - and that seemed to encompass everything that mattered, as to be an aid worker is to provide food and shelter and medicine to those whom you hope will again one day smile.

That's what the trees told me anyway.